December 10, 2018


What is the product key for Microsoft Office?

Microsoft office Product is a 25 alphanumeric characters. After you buy an Office product you will get an office card and back side of your office card you will get your 25 digit number. If you subscribe or buy from online, then you will get Microsoft office product key in your email.

Where to enter your Microsoft Office product key.

After Sign In or Created your Office Account then you need to enter your Microsoft  office product key.

How to Update Office with Microsoft latest update?

To update your Microsoft office follows bellow steps:

1. Open any office app, example excel and create a new document.

2. Go to the Account.

3. Under product information, select Update options and click “Update Now”.

4. After Office is done checking, installing the updates now close the ”You’re up to date” pop up window.

How can I download Microsoft office setup from online?

You need to visit and login into your office account with email and password. Once you will login you need to put your office product key and select country and language then click on Next. After that you will see download button click on “download”.

Which Microsoft Office product is best for windows 10?

All Windows versions of Microsoft Office are good for windows. But best choice will be “Office 365” because you get alloffice apps with Office 365.